There has been a movement in this world, and in this country growing for a long time. It's a Conscious love movement of some kind, a continuation really, it's an unfolding of all the love movements that have come before it. To the extent we surrender to this love is the to the extent we are letting love expand us and calibrate us to our better natures. It's imperative that those at the crux of this movement add their energy to the political arena. It needs your energy greatly. Now is the time to add your voice.
Please don't underestimate your power. When you use your voice for love, you give others permission to use their voice for love. And then you create a new song. One that is in alignment with your soul and not void of it.
The governing forces do represent us, they represent our better natures or are not so better natures as human beings. Sometimes the government represents more of our greed,fear and ego selves. Sometimes it represents more of our hope, faith, love, integrity and honesty. Most of us deep down want the governing forces to represent "our better nature". We influence the leadership as much as they influence us.
Abraham Lincoln said... "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
We all have power, and some abuse that power when they have little power, and they will abuse that power when they have a lot of power. Those of us who know the sacredness of power truly desire to use it wisely and empower others to use theirs wisely. Together we do have the power to remind our leaders of what is true and good. It may feel like a power struggle at times when the powers are in opposition. But be persistent. Love is always worth it.
When real love and justice is removed from government, and we are not mindful of the effect that has on our own consciousness, love and justice will be eroded in other aspects of our society too. It is a symbiotic relationship. Because of the symbiotic nature of this "power of the state" and "power of the people", that also means we can build up love and justice in our society first and influence our government.
We have to keep listening to that loving voice in our personal lives and do our duty to share that voice in everything we do including the political process. Everything we do in our lives affects the powers that "lead" our country, consciously and subconsciously.
Voting is important and necessary, but it is certainly not the only thing we can or should do. But even the voting process is stifled now, it is corrupt and full of suppression. It has been going on for decades but it is at a point that it's very obvious and undeniable now to many with open eyes. We let it get this way. It's hard to see corruption sometimes when it's wrapped in many complex layers and often even hidden in our own psyches. But hope is never lost.
We have to support the freedoms and equality and health of each other the best we can. We need to stand together in love.
If we have to fight for a voice in the voting process it is far from a democracy anymore. Whether there is a little suppression or a lot, it means a loss of justice and freedom. As a democracy starts coming apart, it eventually eats away at more and more freedoms that were once seen as "rights". It happens slowly and eventually it becomes a way of life and only those at a distance can see it clearly.
I believe our government will better represent us when enough of the majority put their love, courage, passion, compassion, determination, purpose, and wisdom inside the decisions and institutions of this society. When more of us see the correlation between what we think, feel, do and choose in our day to day personal lives to that of who we cultivate as our leaders, will be when we start creating purer reflections of our better nature in our leaders and the strongest governing forces of society at large.
If there is more stagnant, closed, selfish, cynical, or passionless minds and wills within us, then you will get your old paradigm problems in government over and over and those problems will multiply like cancer cells in our culture until we need drastic intervention to get well.
We don't only lead our personal realities but we also lead our collective reality together. And we ALL contribute to our shared reality whether we consciously participate in politics or not. But when we do consciously participate, more energy is added to the current towards change.
When we feel powerless we lack motivation, dignity, and energy to do what is right for ourselves and others. So the antidote is to learn what it takes to be an empowered person, and do that, then to help others do the same. That is what makes groups of people empowered. That is what empowers a nation.
Empowered people want to contribute and be responsible. They know how important their voice is when combined with other empowered voices.
If one person or group is oppressed we are all oppressed. it doesn't serve anyone to serve only the ego. The ego is an illusory projection of Truth. The ego isn't innately bad, but it's only a projector. The ego is ok when it's serving our better nature, but it's dangerous when it leading the show with it's empty illusions.
To serve only a few people will always be the "ego" in different clothes. We all rise together or we all fall together. Empowered people succeed in the true sense of the word. Disempowered people on one end, don't even try, and on the other end need to step on others to get ahead.
If we feel powerless, we may act indifferent, or we act ignorantly, thoughtlessly, and ruthlessly. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. We will experience that to the extent we believe it. Life is always a work in progress. We can only take the next step right in front of us to get closer to our biggest vision.
Vision is so important, that is how you create anything. It starts with a vision and feeling empowers it and then words and actions give it momentum, then other people's visions and feelings and words and actions create new essential pieces of the puzzle to support that shared vision.
Martin Luther King jr is someone that i admire greatly. He was a great visionary, he was a real leader. He led with his heart and soul and also had a beautiful mind. He passionately believed in something that was "radical" at that time, but it was right, it was just, it was wise, it was from Love, and it seeped into the hearts and minds of people, society, government, and the future.
Someone took his life but they couldn't stop his vision from taking hold and carrying on forward. All of us who feel the depth and profound importance of his message and his vision carry it with us and we work for that dream and nothing can stop that from happening. Because love will have the final say and we have to trust that.
We have to trust our good nature at heart and follow it with actions and words both. Even while some people mistake progress for "radicalism" we still must proceed towards love. Only the ego thinks compassion and kindness are radical.
We can integrate our deepest, authentic, compassionate better selves into the governing forces of our country and world. It's only a "fantasy" for people who have lost touch with their own true power. Don't underestimate power, and the only true power is love. Human ego can hide and deny the power of love, but it doesn't make it true.
As Martin Luther King jr said, "Love temporarily defeated is still stronger than evil triumphant"
Yes evil rules too, but only in the absence of love. Hate and fear is empty space. As humans we get to choose what fills a space. Love is a choice and it's a rational and effective choice because it does serve everyone always. Our better nature is just opening our hearts to our highest, truest visions and desires that serve and empower everyone.
Love in politics may have been a joke to some for many decades now, but progression is a joke to those without vision.
True leaders have foresight. The foundation of a person and a society is the content of character. If that is dismissed, disregarded or overlooked, the entire establishment crumbles, then nothing works properly.
A soulless government is a narcissistic government. Narcissistic people are not emotionally intelligent. They live for the ego. They think they are their ego. They can't differentiate ego from truth, and they can't process love. They get lost in a false power. They are involved in illusions and lies, not in Love. Their only motivation is to power over others.
Any institution that thinks love or integrity involved in it is a fantasy, might be caught up in ego insanity rather than the logic of love. Love is a big concept but is also simple. Love is beautiful but it isn't illogical.
Love leading is a strong mindful leader, ego leading is a blind bulldozer. But an egocentric mind doesn't comprehend what "love" means. So let's be responsible leaders within ourselves, so we have the discernment to know the difference between a leader with vision and love and a leader that just has empty power.
Love can lead if we choose it personally AND the consequence of that is we eventually choose it collectively together. Then we see effective positive change. Our leaders can reflect our better nature, if we are willing to step into our better nature too and support those people and idealisms that are expressions of our better nature.
We have the power. We just have to own that lovingly and responsibly. Leading with love is the only way out. Love is the only true leader. It's the only one that will prevail.