We should never underestimate the little things we do or don't do. A thoughtful gesture or word, just a good night, good morning, i'm thinking of you, i appreciate you, I got here safe, etc goes a long way. In some cases, it can also be the difference between feeling safe and trusting someone or not. Thinking of someone and being considerate to their feelings is loving them. Love doesn't always need grandiose expressions, just the little things in whatever format that fits the situation. When someone thinks of my feelings, desires, and needs i show the utmost gratitude. I remember growing up when my dad would bring me a candy bar home from work almost every day. I appreciated it immensely because i knew he thought of me. A guy i dated for years did the same for me and i knew how valuable that seemingly small thing was. It wasn't even the candy bar as much as it was, they thought of me, and that has and will always be an important way i give and receive love. It is very special and says a lot about a person and their relationships.