Being in love
I carry that with me always
I still get full of desire by being desired by him
I remember being chased down to the river with you laughing
Sacred Lovers. Bliss
We are free in the sweetest land of Mother Earth.
He remembers what Its like in his native roots
He remembers what true passion is
He doesn't think just skin and disconnected parts is all there is.
He sees the divine in me
Evoking you to stand up to the illusions you have been living in
you know those manipulations you see is just a spell you play along to
But you wake up to me
I know chaos gives way to peace eventually
I rise above the false realities
You rise to the occasion of this love
I'm just a spec of the impossible
I'm the dust of the infinite
My half-dead days are few with you
I'm alive to the Spirit inside of me
He remembers what that warmth feels like
Rays of my love on him are more real than all the lies they whisper in his ears
I'm dancing with joy to transcend the dark with a smile
I'm not afraid when i remember what i am
Moonchild within me leads you back to who you are
You visit for a time
I wonder when you will finally come and stay
Coming with me wherever i am
One lover awoke can make this wait as sweet as a ripe berry
I'm full with hope and i'll never let my innocence go
In a world of purity amnesia
I'm a Dark Priestess of Sunshine
Trees speak to me of our roots
My love will reign stronger than that evil they fall for
He is at home in my heart
Not scared of it's unusual beat
My crazy sane warrior
You see my abstraction as beautiful
I empty my cynicism
I'm open for the Truth to fill me to the brim
You get my Most sensual dance
I'm your Alien Angel
You see the power of that
You see how i sing in the dark but spill light like honey from my lips
Harmonized awareness
I fall for this Truth in me
Surrendering to serve the God before me
Chase me to the river again
You remind of the memories of my love
He says hello in your kindness and he kisses me in your smile
We will meet again
We always do